Finally had my baby boy Elliot

Finally had my baby boy Elliot. 38 hours of labor... my family stuck by me every min of the way and so did my husband☺️
My due date was originally 1/10/18.. but with HYT GB PREECLAMPSIA.. they induced me at 37 weeks 
I came in at 11:30am and they started the Foley balloon.. it hurt! Basically imagine two balloon between you cervix. Pushing on it and making you contract to thin it out... for 12 hours I had it in and only got to 4cm with pitocin at 10...
Then they took out the balloons and started with the catheter and epidural cause the contractions were Getting stronger..
One of the nurses told me , the pain I was in was nothing imagine in the 80s where they didn’t have epidural...🙄 ugh that made me feel like a wuss.
I went to sleep the. Woke up with so much pain I needed more of the epidural. And I was till at 4... next day kinda went by fast.. by the afternoon I had gone up to a 5. Then after compra out the pain the nurse finally checked me and I jumped to a 10
They broke my water and 2 hours later at 1:51 and after 6 pushes he was out 😍😍😊😊😊😍