Miscarriage to Pregnancy?


So back in November I had what I thought was a really rough cycle. I passed huge clots, had a lot of lower back pain and pelvic pain and pressure. At times it felt like I was having mild contractions and had the faint urge to push. Prior to the start of that so called cycle I did take a pregnancy test and it came back negative. Now that I am back state side, I had an appt with my dr who said I was going through a miscarriage. She also has diagnosed me with PCOS. Also told me to expect more repeats of November before something sticks. She sent me for a pelvic US to get a view of my ovaries. During the exam the tech said my uterus looked good and that there were no babies in the making. Ok, well Tuesday my period was due to start. Yes I have a history of irregular cycles but never for them starting late. So I took 3 pregnancy tests and all came back positive, no questions about it. So my question for you ladies is, is it possible to have a normal viable pregnancy that wasnt picked up on the US because it is too soon or am I lookong at a possible ectopic pregnancy? I have gotten in touch with my husband and he is aware of the situation but both of us are not wanting to get our hopes up. Below are the three tests I took this evening. Just looking for your thoughts on this...