She calls her mom

When my husband and I split up our daughter was 3 and he movies out and got a house not far from where I live about a hour away if you drive. We made a agreement Monday -Thursday I have my daughter and Friday-Sunday he can see her. She go over to his house and sleep there for his portion of time with her. Now we did this since she was 3 we agree if we were to see other people there will be boundaries some one can’t cross my first and worst fear was my daughter Arie caking another woman mom. At the point in our life Arie’s birthday was 12/13/17 and she’s 5 now and I was at work that day so her dad threw her a birthday party by the time I finish work and made my way to her fathers house the party ended and my daughter was sleeping Granted for emergencies only I knew where my husband had his spear key so I went in and I got my daughter. I talked my my husband for a while about the party and if she need anything for when she comes over to his house like new clothes, snacks or more coloring pages. The my daughter ran up to me and said “ mommy look this is what mom and I made” I told her “ I don’t remember making this doodle page with her” and the heartbreaking thing she said was “ I made it with my other mommy “

My husband thinks I should t get mad over situation like this because even though we are still married we aren’t together. I explained to him that I’m not mad he’s seeing other people I’m mad he has my daughter calling some woman mommy other than her mother. When I asked him how long they knew each other he told me 8 years. I did the math in my head and things didn’t add up we have been married for 13 years our daughter is 5 years old we had her 3 years in to our marriage. And your knee this woman for 8 years in our marriage. I was beyond pissed. Then out of no where I started to see more of this woman she would pick my child up from school with out me knowing. Buy her things If I got to pick up my child from her dads she would be the first one out the door then my child then my matter how many times I tell my daughter that woman is not her mother she don’t understand. If we leave the house she would tell her “ bye mommy I’ll see you next week “ next

I have thought about this for a wile and I think it’s reasonable for me to get full custody of my child and she will see her Friday and Saturday. And a divorce will be in order

Please if any one recommends any other way please comment