FTM Textbook pregnancy and delivery

Melanie • Momma to a sweet baby boy 💙

I finally have the time to write my thoughts down. I debated on doing so but I really don’t want to forget little details.

I loved being pregnant. I felt like my pregnancy flew right by and I didn’t get to “soak it all in”. Doctors appointments were very straight forward.... weight gain was non existent until 20-24 weeks and I gained accordingly every appointment. Baby Jacob looked great at every ultrasound and during his Doppler checks. At my 34 week appointment we found out I was dilated to a 1. I remember being so shocked because I just swore my body would not know what to do as labor neared. At my 37 week appointment I was dilated to a good 3 cm! I came home and that entire week I bounced on my yoga ball, had sex, drank raspberry red leaf tea and did squats (my joints killed me as I had developed pregnancy arthritis 🙄). I slowly lost my mucous plug over 2 weeks.

The day I went into labor (37 weeks 6 days) I woke up around 6am with slight back ache. As the day progressed my backache got increasingly worse and called my hubby at work to keep him updated. I noticed I had loose bowel movements ALL dang day... my booty hole felt like it was on 🔥. After my bowel movements I noticed I kept loosing chunks of my mucous plug but only difference is that it looked bloody. Continued bouncing on my yoga ball and doing cat cow’s to relieve some pressure on my back. My parents also visited around 5pm to celebrate with dinner since my dad’s birthday was the day prior. I times my contractions all day and they continued to be irregular, anywhere between 5-7 minutes even 10 minutes apart. But man, those contractions and back ache took my breathe away. We decided to go to the hospital as the pain was getting intense but not consistent. I just knew I would get sent home so reality didn’t sink in yet.

We arrived at the hospital and was sent to triage. I kept timing my contractions and the back pain was getting worse! They eventually hooked me up to the monitors around 11pm and checked me for dilation. I was 5-6 cm and 100% effaced with a buldging water bag! I couldn’t believe it! My hubby nearly had a heart attack LOL! We were told it was a busy night so it can be another 2-3 hours before we get a room. I made sure to request an epidural before hand because I know you can wait hours and hours before getting one. Around 2am we were wheeled up to our laboring room and the anesthesiologist was waiting for me! She said thankfully I requested one when I did because she has a long list after me along with 3 surgeries! The epidural kicked in within 15 minutes and I could still move my legs. I felt normal except no more back labor pain! 🎉. 53 minutes after receiving the epidural I was checked for dilation again and I was 7-8 cm. The doctor asked to break my water and I accepted. She said it was a tough sac and probably wouldn’t have broke on its own. The nurse then gave me a peanut ball to labor with and assured me labor is near! 3:20am was checked again and I progressed to a 9! Around 5am we decided to start pushing. I was given a large mirror to help view my pushing progress. It was the coolest thing I’ve ever witnessed! After roughly an hour our baby boy was born and he was so tiny! I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was worried for 38 weeks he would be 4-5lbs. Luckily he was a nice 6.5 lbs and 19 inches long. We are so incredibly lucky and I will never take my experience for granted.