

Well we were best friend for seven months and we dated for several times, but we broke up last months on our four months anniversary because of his stupidass cousin, told him a lie that I cheated on him which I never did. I'm not the kind of person who cheats. But yesterday was the best day ever! 💗12-22-17💗 yes he asked me out again. He was blushing and struggled to say the words lol. He was holding my hand at same time! 😭❤️ and I'm going to see him again today with my best friend and my cousin and her boyfriend too! 💗 how am I so lucky to have him again? He know me very much. He can finish my sentence before I had a chance. He could read my mind. I sometimes regrets to tell everything, EVERYTHING, to him lol. I love him so fucking much! 😭💗