helicopter brother


my brother is a complete helicopter parent.

its insane.

our niece stayed with us for a couple of days. while my brother and his wife went camping.

he left detailed instructions on how to care for her.

she has no allergies or anything wrong with her. she's a healthy 2.5 year old. well after reading all 12 recipes he gave me and going yo the grocery store to buy everything for her meal plan. I was very stressed out. on the day we were traveling he said she needed meatballs. these are crazy kale and other things infused meatballs. well I burnt them. really bad. so that went out the window.

so we are 5 hours in to out drive. we have stopped every hour to get out of the car. by the way I have two healthy boys myself.

niece started to melt. so we stopped for lunch. the only thing around was McDonald's. so I ordered her chicken nuggets and she was happy. kids were fed and on withour drive.

niece started crying because she was tired. so I gave her a bottle. according to her instructions she's only allowed 2 bottle a day. first nap and bed time.

well once we finally reached our destination my brother asked how everything went. I said find and told him about the bottle. he blew up screamed at me, took his daughter and left. he still hasn't talked to me its been weeks.

my brother is crazy. his wife is the same way.... thank God I didn't tell him I fed her McDonald's.

my husband and I still laugh. our little


added: I just wanted to add that I normally dont feed my childen McDonald's. but after I burnt the meat balls that have 12 different ingredients and take over an hour to cook. I just didnt have the time to remake them

we also drove my niece to a different state to meet up with my brother and his mother in laws house.

my feelings: I feel like I did what I had to do. should I let her cry until we got there? 2 hours left with a crying child? a couple of chicken nuggets over starvatio ? we had other snack like things but I can't keep giving her snacks. she needsd something more. our plan was to stop at a restaurant and eat good food but the kids were getting hangry.