Lottie 💕 • Mummy to a beautiful boy 2017 👼🏻💙 miscarriage 16/03/18 💔

Hi everyone, I'm new to this. I'm wanting to do an album for my son with notes from across the world. We lost him early on this year and we're really wanting to have a memory book made especially. We're not able to get photos of him growing up but we want to do something to show he's always with us in our hearts and show how much he means to us both. Could I please have a note written with "Daniel, mummy and daddy's love for you is so strong it has reached... (location)

Always our precious baby boy"

Thank you so much, this will mean everything to us and will put a big smile on our face💓💓💓

I can trade from the uk too, might not be the perfect background but can work with it 🤗