Feeling Disappointed, but not Discouraged


Well, I'm 11dpo almost 12. I got a clear negative this morning when I tested... I'm feeling disappointed, but not discouraged. There is still hope for this month, but if it doesn't happen, then we can start trying for next month. As much as I wish and pray that this is our month, someone much greater than me has the perfect plan, whether we want to believe it or not...

I'm just laying here thinking while my wonderful husband is asleep beside me. I'm so grateful for all that God has provided us with. A beautiful house. We both have loving and welcoming families. Our marriage is imperfectly perfect. We have food on our table every night. Heat in the winter. A/C in the summer. God has provided us with so many Blessings. I wouldn't change a thing that has happened in this path of life. I'm so thankful to have a hard working husband that works his ass off 24/7 to provide for us. I mean God is amazing to give things in life when times I really don't deserve them. I've been trying to make myself a better person, not only because of that man above, but because I need to be that better person for the ones I love and that sweet child He will Bless me with one day. I know my calling is to be a Mother. Whether that's having one of my own with my husband or adopting one with my husband. Either way, being a mother is my calling and God has made that clear to me. Now I have to sit, wait as patiently as I can, and pray for that perfect miracle to come my way.

I pray for all of you ladies struggling to find the positivity in this time of TTC and infertility. I pray for you to have the patience and understanding that Gods time is always perfect whether we want to believe it or not. I pray we all one day have healthy miracles. God Bless YOU! And I am praying for YOU reading this!💜