Low libido and TTC


My hubby and I both take citalaphram (celexa) for anxiety. A side affect is lowered libido. I’m thankful we’re both on the same page but it makes TTC a bit harder when you don’t have sex as often. We’re once a weekers. Sometimes once every 10 days tbh. It’s kind of embarrassing but he and I are content with that. So making sure to do the BD every other day during ovulation is exhausting and stressful. My mind says, “Ain’t nobody got time for that” But we do want to conceive sooner rather than later.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to heighten our libido or get us in the mood?

Note: I have discussed the meds w my ob and it’s fine to remain on them and re-evaluate once we conceive.

Note 2: getting off our meds at this point is off the table. We’re miserable people off them. Been there. Tried that.