RSV for Christmas ☹️


So my daughter had been feeling under the weather coughing a bit and then her temp spiked and we gave her some Tylenol and put her to bed. Well the next morning her temperature was back up and she had a super snotty nose and cough, around about 3pm the Tylenol was wearing off again and this time her temp was 102.8 so I took her to the hospital and found out she has Respiratory Synactial Virus (might has misspelled) but that means 1, no medicine to get rid of it just have to let her work through it with tylenol to keep the fever down and 2. She’s contagious for Christmas so she can’t be around all her cousins and her best buddy cousin whose a couple weeks younger than her. We always have a big family Christmas dinner and she’ll have to be in my arms the whole time so she doesn’t get the other kids sick. :( she’s almost 11 months old and this is her first Christmas so impretty bummed she’s sick and not feeling good the entire time.

Anyway. Just a little bummer rant.