If the father does not want the child, should they be able to give up ALL rights? (READ)

Going off a similar poll I saw in another group, but more specific to one question.

If the mother decides to keep the baby, should the father have the choice to be in the child's life and pay child support (if the parents aren't together) or voluntarily reliquish parental rights and have no contact with the child and pay no child support?

Some comments in the other thread said that father's already have this choice. NOPE. Father's cannot voluntarily terminate their parental rights and have zero responsibility for the child, the court will still require some kind of child support if the mother reports it. I mean, 100% this father will never know the child and will give zero monetary, emotional, etc support to the mother.

**Note-- The choices include 18 weeks because that gives the mother the chance to know the father's decision and still get an abortion if she chooses to not have the child alone.

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