BFP even though unsure of ovulation?!

Kristyn • 3 years TTC • One angel👼 #1 due Jan 2021🌈

Has anyone ever gotten a BFP even though they were sure they didn't ovulate that cycle? My predicted O day was December 11th but I didn't get a positive opk and I kept testing but didn't get a positive one. Each time this happened and I logged it, Glow pushed my fertile window further. I have no idea if I ovulated at all and my period was originally due tomorrow but obviously glow has changed that. Test this morning was a BFN, but for some reason something is telling me I'm pregnant. Has anyone ever been unsure of when or if they ovulated, but still got pregnant? I posted my chart, if anyone can tell me if I may have ovulated? Please hellllp. At this point I am just waiting to see if AF comes but I'm so curious.