Toddler not sleeping

My daughter will be 2 in 2 months. She has always slept through the night, since the day she was born. Never went through sleep regressions or anything like that. However, she’s known how to crawl out of her crib for about 8 months so we had to transition her bed. Since then, EVERY single night she sleeps right up against the door in her room and screams herself to sleep. We’ve tried every method to stop this. If we stay in there, she won’t sleep. She’ll lay down with us but won’t sleep, even if it’s 5am. We’ve tried. She has a routine at night. Goes to bed at the same time. She’s definitely tired when we put her down too. She won’t sleep in our room, we tried. Anyways, the past 2 weeks in addition to screaming herself to sleep, she now wakes up multiple times in the night and screams and screams for hours no matter what we do. She’s been waking up from about 2am to 5 am everyday. She’s cries and rubs her eyes every few minutes because she’s so tired but just won’t sleep. What can I do?