My dramatic labor and deliver story!!! A must read!


We have all seen labor in delivery in movies where the girl is sweating screaming her lungs out and almost has the baby in the car!!

That came true to me!

I woke up Saturday morning 12/23 at 7am with a sudden urge to push! I went to the bathroom to have a Poopie! Nothing! So I thought oh gosh I’m constipated so I drank a whole bottle of water and kept feeling that urge to have a really big Poo! I tried 3 times and nothing . Last time when I got up from the toilet I felt a cramping feeling lower abdomen but it happens often with constipation so I thought nothing of it. I went back to bed to try and get some more sleep and fell asleep for another 10 minutes and Bam again I ran to the bathroom this time to have an actual normal BM. I said finally I can sleep again! But I did notice it was soft stool and I wasn’t actually constipated. Anyways I slept for another 10 minutes and I jumped out of bed with that urge to push a big poo again and this time with contractions that were suddenly a 10/10 but about 7 minutes apart. I jumped in the shower and in the shower those 10/10 contractions became 1-2 minutes apart and I started screaming saying I need to push! My husband quickly grabs our stuff and says get out let’s go! At this time I’m in so much pain I couldn’t even walk or talk I’m screaming bloody murder “ I need to push”!!! By this time it’s 9:50am, takes me about 10 minutes just to get in the car, my neighbors are freaking out and so is my husband. He starts driving and everything, the pain the urge to push worsens and I take off my seat belt and go on on knees in the front seat and start screaming “ I’m pushing hurry up!!!!” Hospital is about 10 minutes away but of course with traffic it was about 20 mins away. I swear the worst part was trying soooo hard not to push in The car and have baby in the car. My husband is speeding and honking at cars to move out the way.

We finally arrive to emergency room and he says “ don’t push” and runs inside and yells “ my wife is having the baby in the car “ and my body starts pushing on its own, nurse comes running with wheel chair, I’m screaming so loud “ I’m pushing he’s coming”. I literally feel his head. She yells that she needs a gurney. And runs with me in the wheel chair to a room she’s screaming to everyone “ get out the way we’re having a baby”.

I just remember a room with at least 10-15 “ ER” staff that looked terrified calling the L&D; people STAT to ER dept and I push, my water breaks while they try to carry me on the gurney. As soon as I lay on the gurney the sweetest nurse says “ okay mama now push and have this baby”. I tell her “ I’m scared I don’t want to I want the epidural” and she laughs and says “ it’s too late” my body pushed 1 time and my baby flew out with no one to catch him but the bed. Nurse said “ wow you made that look so easy”.

And that was it all my pain went away instantly!

I had my baby at 39 weeks 1 day in the ER room at 10:27am a 3 1/2 hour labor and delivery. No stitches needed!

Ladies be prepared for anything!!!!!

This was the opposite of my birth plan I very much wanted an epidural but baby had other plans.

Merry Christmas 🎄