Performance anxiety help? 😔


I’ve been with my boyfriend a year now. In all the time we’ve been together I’ve only been able to orgasm a handful of times when we’re being intimate. I have no trouble orgasming on my own. Just when we’re together, even if I’m super horny and turned on and feel like I’m about to orgasm and then... it never comes. Lol. I feel like there’s something wrong with me.

Last night we masturbated together (I have a UTI so decided sex was probably not a good idea as sex gives me the infections...) and I was freaking horny as hell but had no orgasm. He finished after about ten minutes and went to the bathroom to clean himself up, and left me to try and get my orgasm. This usually works, but he came back quite quickly and I gave up again. He said “I’ll just go out of the room so you can orgasm” which was sweet but man by then I was totally not horny because the only reason I had been horny was because I was with him 😩😩😩 So I just told him to stay and gave up completely.

Then I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and he accompanied me, but I said you need to go out because I need a wee and I’m bladder shy. Then I wondered if my bladder shyness has anything to do with my inability to orgasm around him. Because I literally cannot pee in front of people. No matter how full my bladder is which has left me in very uncomfortable circumstances in the past.

Anyway long story but I just thought I’d give that background information. Weird thing is when I was with my ex I would orgasm ALL THE DAMN TIME, but he was the only guy in all the guys I’ve been with who had been able to do that. So maybe it was a rarity rather than the norm for me. I wish I could do that with my boyfriend. I haven’t told him that about my ex because I don’t want him to feel like it’s his fault. He’s very good in bed and I don’t have much to complain about, so it makes it all the harder for me.

So I don’t know if it’s performance anxiety or what. I don’t always care about orgasm but as my boyfriend always cums and sometimes I want to too with him but it rarely happens.

I need help???? Can any of you give any words of insight or advice or experience or anything? I’m just feeling weary and a bit down about it.