Annoyed and can't focus due to this...

During every period,

I always get super annoyed on how the blood drips out of my woman part to the pad.

I can feel each drop, and detect how heavy or light the flow is just by how ticklish it has been in the past hour. I can't focus on other things.

It is most annoying when a drop gets stuck or moving slowly down, causing me to squirm on my seat. The suspense makes me anxious...

Since a decade now, I have been putting crumpled toilet paper in between my woman part to avoid the dripping sensation... but now with the increase awareness of cervical cancer and all disease in relation to it, makes me a bit paranoid.

Just wondrin:

- whether anyone feel/do the same?

- are the particles and bleach harmful for the wellbeing of my woman part?

- if there is any better advice?


Thank you for the advice.

Never like the idea of tampon and the bleach... the reason why I only stuck tissue paper to avoid direct contact with the cervix. Just to share:

I will try the cup. Sounds more safe :)

Thank you girls 😘😘🎄🎄