Boyfriend says sex doesn't make him feel close to me?


We've been together for a little over 2 years, and sex has greatly decreased. His sex drive, not mine. We were having issues contributing to that, but things have been better lately. Not his sex drive though. We used to have sex maybe three times a week, now for the last like 8 months its once a week if I'm lucky but often is once every two weeks. We had sex this morning and later we were talking. I asked him if he's ever wanted to have sex without kissing (seems hot to me lol) and he said he never thought about and doesn't really think it'd be any different. He said kissing during sex isn't something he really cares about if we do it or not. But he just had always done that so he keeps doing it and he knows I like it. He said "I do a lot of things just because I know you like them" but he couldn't give any other examples. I asked what his ideal sex looked like and he didn't know. Then I asked if sex helps him feel closer to me emotionally, because that's what I need to feel closer to him. He said no that it was really just a physical thing. But cuddling makes him feel close to me. Which i understand, but it honestly hurts that sex is just physical for him, and he doesn't really care about kissing? Idk I just always thought it was a way for him to express his love for me but now I feel like he doesn't care about anything during sex except having an orgasm..maybe I'm overreacting because I've already been kind of depressed today. Is it normal for guys to feel this way with a long term partner? I have no doubt that he loves me and he tells me that often. I guess it just sucks that our ways of feeling close to each other aren't the same. It seems like sex is a take it or leave it thing for him when it's so important to me. Idk how to even talk to him about it.

Edit: I'm 24, he's 26