Anyone els get depressed this time of year??

Lyndsy • Mother of 2 fur babies expecting Twins Feb 5 2021 🤰🏼🤰🏼First IVF Success!

So iv been trying for a year and a half now and i have pcos and im just having no luck. So i finally got my cycles straightned out where i ovulate om cycle day 20 and my cycles are 33 days long now and so i still have hope but im just having no luck still. I spend all Christmas <a href="">eve</a> and Christmas crying because i did not get my christmas babu which i wanted so badly. Im struggling to still go on trying im thinking about giving up and just going back on birth control for a few years. I just cant take the disappointment anymore its like every month a little piece of my heart breaks. Struggling not to cry as im typing this.