i’m late...

so me and my bf recently started having sex (he’s my first) and we’ve been using condoms only. i wanted to wait until i was on the pill for double protection but we didn’t and for several reasons i’m not sure if i’ll be able to get put on the pill anytime soon. anyways, my period is thirteen days late. as far as i am aware, none of our condoms have noticeably broken. he buys them in small packs so none of the condoms were even a month old at the time of use. they were stored in his dresser drawer so they couldn’t have been exposed to anything i believe could damage them. after every time he wiped himself down and changed condoms before we started back up, even on times he didn’t finish and just had to pull out for a bit. i haven’t experienced any telltale signs of pregnancy aside from the late period. (no changes in my breasts, no implantation bleeding, no morning sickness, no food cravings or aversions, no frequent urination) however, i have been experiencing symptoms typical of my period for the past two days but i have not gotten my period. i’ve had the lower backache, the increase in appetite, the cramps, the headaches, and increase in bowel movements. what are the chances i am pregnant? part of the reason i waited so long to have sex was because i can’t get on the pill for parental and cost reasons and i have a terrible fear of pregnancy. i have protected myself as best i can but i am so terrified of being pregnant. i don’t even want to take a test for fear it comes back positive, at least not knowing i can hope i’m wrong. how much longer should i wait before i test? how do i tell him? do i tell him before or after i test? can anyone provide any advice or comfort? i’m so fucking scared yall...