5 weeks early but she is perfect 👌🏿

mdw💝 • Married❗️Family of 🙎🏾‍♀️🙎🏽‍♂️🙇🏽‍♀️ 👶🏽

Savannah Grace apparently wanted us to have a wonderful Christmas! The sweetest gift 🎁God could give!! 4lbs 15oz, 18 inches long, born at 11:06 am on 12/25/2017 with a head full of hair! She arrived at exactly 35 weeks! Was due on her daddies birthday but decided to come on Jesus Christ celebrated birthday!

My birth story is quite interesting.

Let’s just say water broke at 8:15am, arrived at the hospital at about 10am. I was checked and already 9cm. The nurse could see her head and hair. I was immediately taken to delivery room. My doctor had not arrived yet but came just in time. With encouragement she came out in 3 pushes! I was in shock!