
So I’m pregnant with my 4th baby. This one not planned at all. (One night kinda thing which I had never even done before) told the dad and he’s now blocked me on social media and by phone. My mother is appalled and is constantly saying hurtful things to me like that I “ruined her holiday season” and she won’t tell my dad yet because she “doesn’t want to ruin his holiday season too” a couple days later I asked her if she realized how bad she had hurt me when she said that and she just said “no” and ignored me for a good half hour. This will be the first baby that I will be doing it 100% on my own and apparently won’t have their support either. This baby will also be my only biracial baby so I have no idea what I’m doing as far as hair or skin care or what they might go through when q they go to school or whatnot. I just want someone (other than my one friend) to be happy for me and talk about nurseries or baby names or what not. Everyone just keeps telling me that I need to have an abortion or like my sister (knowingly married to the guy who raped me for a year) who says I should just let them adopt the baby and “get fixed”. I can’t handle any more negative. I need someone to be positive with me. I need some kind of support system. My children (8,5,&3) know I “have a baby in my belly” and are excited, but those are literally the only ones other than my one friend. As unbelievably pathetic as it sounds, is there anyone who would be willing to be part of my support system? I just need someone there to talk to when I’m scared or excited who isn’t going to talk down to me or make me feel like an idiot for keeping the baby. I just need some people in my corner who aren’t going to tell me I’m an idiot or that I shouldn’t be having the baby. Just some background. I’m 24, divorces, and a full time student, which that last part will probably change