What is this?

Here are some of the things he does. 1. I hate anal, but yet he always guilt trips me into it, and when I say no he does it anyways, and says that me resisting him or saying no turns him on. 2. I'm getting to the point where I'm scared to tell him my feelings, he always makes me feel worse for it. Same for my opinions. 3. I'm also getting to the point where I'm scared of telling him my opnion or if something he is doing is bothering me, he makes me feel bad for it and my opinions don't mater. 4. He hates admiting hes wrong, and when I try to prove hes wrong or what hes doing is wrong he makes me feel bad. 5. He wants me to be happy 24/7, even though I know he was abused when he was younger, so when he gets into those depressive states I care for him and try to make him happy and don't complain at all.