Tristen • wife & proud momma to my baby girl, kinley greysen

*keeping it short and sweet*

I was scheduled to be induced on Dec. 21st, we started the induction and everything started out very smoothly, textbook even!

We started at 10am with pitocin, my doctor came in around 12:30p and broke my water (OUCH) and I received my epidural after I dilated to a 4.

Pitocin was up at 24 and we started with the peanut ball around 9-10p and that’s when baby girl’s heart rate started dipping..

Nurses ran in moved me in different positions until baby was happy again, just for it to happen all over again.. My doctor rushed in and decided it was just the position of cord on the left side, we tried more positions and eventually decided to try an amnioinfusion to help the cord float out of the way.. That’s when baby girl flat lined, they rushed me to OR and told hubby to suit up. We got in and I looked over at my husband and told him I loved him. My doctor started cutting and I felt EVERYTHING, I started screaming and they pushed my husband out and put me completely under. My baby girl was born on December 22nd, my birthday, at 12:53am a happy and super healthy 6lbs and 11oz and 19.75 inches long. We’re absolutely obsessed with our little Kinley Greysen and her head FULL of coal black hair 😍❤️