best friend stabbed me in the back??


so i’ve been noticing that i’ve been having problems with my friend for a good while now. she was never there for me, only talked about herself, and was overall in a bad mood all the time. but I still loved her and I still cared about her of course. well one day I come to find that she removed me on snapchat and blocked me from her instagram and that was my last straw. I blocked her on everything except imessage because I just decided that maybe it wasn’t meant to be and I didn’t have the energy to fight with her anymore. well I come to find that she sent me a huge (I mean you had to scroll to read it huge) text message basically telling me why her life is so much harder than mine and how I should have tracked her down on imessage and talked to her before I blocked her (forgive me for assuming you hadn’t blocked me there too and for not wanting to track you down). we got into a pretty long text fight but I thought we were starting to work it out. so come to find a few days later, she posted 16 videos on her instagram all talking about what a shit person I am and how i’m so mean to her and how me blocking her is worsening her depression and how I only participate in my religion for attention. I didn’t wanna say anything about it to her or anyone else because I was so angry so I blocked her on imessage finally because I just figured that it that’s the way she felt well than that’s that. so finally on christmas my friend sends me a screenshot of two long ass posts of her literally spreading complete lies and saying the worst stuff you could imagine about me. like so bad that I went into my bathroom and cried on christmas. the funny thing is I still have screenshots and plenty of shit that could make her look awful but i’m not petty and I don’t wanna sink down to her level of ugly. now it’s the day after christmas and i’m just so sad like thinking about people actually thinking what she’s saying is true. i’m just heartbroken and depressed that someone could be so awful especially someone who I supported and was there for for over a year. someone who I used to call my best friend. how do I get over her and not care?