Food aversions and cravings, oh my!


I’ve been a chocolate based life form my whole life. I’ve also been a big candy person (sweet tarts, sprees, gummy bears).

Over the past week (I’m 6w6d) my husband has been cracking up by my facial expressions to the thought of candy or chocolate!

I can’t believe it.

For the first time in my life, I want chips and salsa (I think the plain chips help the nausea, but I can’t explain the salsa part) over homemade cookies, chocolate toffee and fudge. And I’ve passed over chocolate cake for vanilla ice cream and either plain angel food cake or apple pie multiple times. And I want plain yogurt - no fruit or flavors.

Ironically enough, I must have gotten like two king size chocolate bars and two smaller ones with my Christmas gifts from family - and the thought of eating them sounds terrible. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m at a complete loss for words. I can’t help but laugh - I expected many thing, but I never expected this.

My husband is the salty person, I’m the sweets person and actually eat a low sodium diet! Clearly this kid is going to be like his dad.

Has anyone else noticed cravings or food aversions yet?

Does this last the whole pregnancy?!?!