Waiting to have a baby


I am 24 years old. I realize that is still very young but it’s hitting me that I am going to be an older mother. I have chosen to put education and career first, We are choosing to get married once I finish my education and get my career started, and then we are choosing to have a baby after we are married. Even if it works out as planned (which life NEVER does). It’s looking like I will be about 30 when I am ready for my first child. I understand that is becoming more normal but all of my friends, family, and peers in my age group are starting family’s and expanding their families around me. It’s just hard for me to keep my eye on my plan. I know it is what I want. I want a good education, a steady career, and to be married and financially stable before welcoming a child into my world. I guess the jealousy and baby fever are just starting to hit me pretty hard.