My Smooth Birth Story❤️ EDD 12/28


Its finally my turn!!!! I’ve read almost every delivery story to get a feel what’ll be like, however everyone is different.

So 12/22 I actually drunk the “Midwife Brew” around 7pm and began to feel mid cramps around 10pm. My SO and I went to sleep around 11pm thinking the brew didnt work. However around 1am on 12/23 i start to feel actual contractions, i woke SO up and told him im going to shower and that we should head to the Hospital. The shower relieved plenty of pain but once finished the pain returned!! Around 1:30am he packed our bags and we were headed to the hospital! We arrived at 2am and I got hooked up to the monitors to see if the were real contractions and to see if I’ve dilated further. (My appt on 12/20 i was 2cm and fully thinned out)

They kept me on the monitor for hours and about 4am i progressed to 4cm which means i stay!! (Yay) As soon as they informed me that im staying i asked for a epidural lol TBH contractions are not a bitch. So they say i have to continue to wait so im just taking the contractions and about 6am they check me once more and im 6cm!!!! So they’re like ok you can get the epidural (thank god)! Alot of ppl dont mention it but its VERY hard to be still while having contractions and trying to get the epidural, but My SO talked me thru the entire thing. (He is my life saver)

Once i got the epidural at 6am they said the doctor wouldn’t be in until 8am.

At 7am they check me and i was 9cm however my water hadnt broke so basically they were just letting my baby come down on his own to prevent tearing. Around 8:20am i felt the need to push so they broke my water and in 3 pushes i delivered my sweet baby boy. ❤️

On 12/23 @8:28am weighing 5lb8oz 18 1/2 in long . Here’s pictures