Hematoma again!

Melissa Carrie🐠 • Addictions PHD, Mommy by day (2 kids...11 pregnancies) Don`t dish out what you can`t take!

I'm 7 weeks today. I thought I was miscarry ing last week so I had an ultrasound and had a fetal hr of 118!! They didn't tell me till I left that I have a hematoma just like I did with my daughter..ughhh. I'm trying truly to not worry but you can't help but. Honestly these are beyond common and most women who state that they get their period throughout pregnancy have these. My questions are these.

1. The bleeding is good right? It's getting out of my body?

2. How much pelvic rest is recommended? I get about 4 hours a day other than sleep but I need to tend to my kids and work.

I have my first appointment on the 10th so of course I'll ask then too but I would love your input. Thanks lovelies❤