I dont know how to feel

So I trusted someone that shouldve been trusted bc I was given chlymidia. I didnt think I would ever trust anyone again or even date. A few months later an old flame comes back into my life and made a 360. He wanted to be my man and I wanted to be his bbygirl. We been talking for a month and havent had sex just fooled around a couple times. The topic of std came up he said he got tested a month ago and asked me did I ever get sumn. And I didnt want to lie so I told him the truth. And the way he acted sounded like it was a make or break for him and I just told him to let me know if he didnt want to do this anymore and he was like ok. He said I caught him off guard but before he met me he was a whore and told me that word for word so what im sorta upset about is why he trippin on something that happened before him and I shouldnt trip off his lifestyle he had before me? Bc I HAD HORRIBLE trust issues before him but i never jumped to conclusions, always asked for the full story and never did stuff off the assumptions of shit. I made a mistake and beat myself up forever about it. I asked god for forgiveness and forgave myself I refuse to feel that way again. But the way he reacted was the way I used to beat myself up. Im waiting to see if he’ll ever hit me up again. But I wanna know what would you had done if you were in my shoes? Does this take time? Or should he not let my past determine our possible future?


Update: he hasnt talked to me all day so... i pretty much told him for nothing. Im just sad bc for once i felt like I met someone who was on the same page with me across the board and was willing to work on something long term. I didnt think he would switch up on me like dat