Q: Who doesn't like PDA?

So my husband announced the birth of our child the other day. While he was typing it out I was correcting his post, making sure he wrote WE had a baby etc. Lol. Anyway, he was joking about, shall I write about how proud I am of you blah blah. Because I personally find those posts so icky, he was saying you always groan at all my friends who announce it that way. What's everyone else's opinion? Me and hubs when alone are stupidly disgustingly romantic and lovey dovey, but the minute there is anyone else around, we act like we hate each other lol, not literally, it's always jokey, but we make fun of each other, are sarcastic and make jokes at each others expense. It's just how we are. We're never rude, and we're still caring, I might be making fun of him in front of his sisters but it'll be while I'm making him a cup of tea and secretly pinching his butt. Is anyone else like this? I'd never make a post publicly saying how much he does for me and how amazing he is, I may talk about it to everyone while he's not there, and will always tell him when we're alone, but the whole social media PDA I find so fake and attention seeking. I dunno. Just wanted to know other people's POV x