What Not to Say to a Pregnant Woman.....


I went to my extended family Christmas party at my grandma’s house on Friday December 22. It went until 9 pm and then I had an hour drive home. I worked that day and had been up since 5 am plus I was having horrible heartburn. I was also trying to wrangle my four year old son on my own. My husband didn’t come to the party since he’s deathly allergic to the food that was served. The next morning I got a call from my grandma asking if I was ok because I didn’t look well the night before. I assured her that it was just pregnancy symptoms and that it had been a long day. She then asked if I was sure I wasn’t having twins because I’d had grown so much in such a short time. Ugh, thanks grandma. I assured her that there was only one baby in our last ultrasound. I’m 25 weeks and feeling huge since I’m bigger than I was with my first (although I started out very underweight for my first pregnancy and this pregnancy is much healthier). Also the dress I wore made me look bigger than I am and I hadn’t seen my grandma in 6 weeks, which was before I really popped. I know it was coming from a place of concern and twins do run in our family plus my grandma has never been the most tactful person but I still felt a little hurt and self conscious and my husband was upset because she called his wife and baby fat. Anyone else had hurtful comments/experiences like this?