Expecting a rainbow!

Harmony • KY girl, married to my BFF/soul mate, mom 4/24/03, 6/7/07, 11/1/10, 10/7/15, angel baby 4/28/17, rainbow baby 8/8/18

Today, at 7 weeks, we went for our first ultrasound. I was so thinking that they were going to tell me something bad due the c ircumstances surrounding the loss of our baby girl at 24 weeks back in April of this year. I cried like a baby when we saw baby and heard the heartbeat, which was 139. I was so relieved, and yet I am still terrified. I feel like this is going to be a rough pregnancy being worried all the time. I keep thinking of my angel baby and thanking her and God for choosing this baby for us. Anyone who understands or can relate to what I'm going through, help! How are you feeling and handling your rainbow?