( Not Pregnant Yet) Announcement Ideas


How do I make a pregnancy announcement special for our 4th child? (My 3rd biologically and his 2nd Biologically. However he has raised our youngest son since birth.)

So we have a 7 year old girl from previous a 5 year old boy from previous and a 2 year old boy we raised together since birth.

His parents are married and mine are split.

Any ideas?

These are our 3 kids. Landon the 5 year old probably wouldn’t be very cooperative or happy lol but the other two would. He hates pictures and also got a new brother from our side(when my husband and I first started dating Landon was 3 and the baby was 1 month old) and about six months later his mom got pregnant. He’s not thrilled about two brothers now that they are older and want his attention. 😂 he’s a crabby pants like his dad. Lol