Light at the end of the tunnel

We had our selective screening last Tuesday and baby's NT came back way too far from the norm. After a full day of meetings with doctors and genetic counselors on Wednesday, we decided to go through with the CVS testing. There's no way my type A personality could get through the rest of 6 months and not know if the baby was going to leave me right away or have health issues that we'd need to be prepared for.  Friday we had the CVS abdominally, and a ton of blood work, and my rhogam shot in my rear...which was not my favorite! We were told we would find out preliminary results by Tuesday morning. Unfortunately as seemed to be our luck (mixing up my records with a patient with the same name at a fellow hospital, my tech passing out during the procedure), the lab forgot to do our fish testing! After this agonizing wait, we finally got the call yesterday from our genetic counselor, and our baby has no downs, turners, or trisomy. I feel like I can finally breathe and enjoy this pregnancy now.  I know these tests help us, but sometimes I feel like this stress is even worse.  To boot , the NT levels on Wednesday and Friday were within the normal range, so if we had our screening just a day later, we never would have dealt with all of this and something could have been missed. I have to believe it's fate, and I am so thankful that so far , so good.  Oh and the best news of all, my daughter is going to have a little brother!!!!! My dreams are complete :)