Jan 2nd turned into a christmas baby!

Sabry • Boy momma❤️

finally my turn to write my story!! i was completely shocked it went this way, considering all the women in my family had to be induced with all their kids! I started having mild contractions on christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> and i tried to switch positions, walk around do anything to make them go away but the longer i waited the worse they got, so my husband packs our bags because i couldnt even stand up my contractions were so bad and consistent, about every 4-5 minutes. (never let ur husband pack the baby bag, nothing will fit or match,lol) anyways we give our puppy to our neighbors get in the car and it doesnt start😅 i was in so much pain i wasnt having it, so we asked our neighbors at 12 at night on christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> to drive me to the hospital, i checked in and i was only 1 cm, waited 2 agonizing hours and was still only 1cm, the nurse said she was gonna have to send me home, i prayed so hard, there was no way i was gonna be able to take that pain, she comes back in 30mn later and im 5cm, finally get the epidural & it worked wonders! i fell asleep for about 3-4 hours and woke up ready to push, pushed through 3 contractions and he was here! it was so easy i was shocked, he weighed 7lbs 10.5oz and was 19-1/2inches long. perfectly healthy and happy baby!

throughout the day i was swollen down there and it got bigger and bigger, it turned out to be a hematoma and was so bit, i had to go to OR for them to fix it, other than that, my labor and delivery was good and im happy that my baby is healthy, that was the goal! Good luck to all the other mamas out there!🙌🏾❤️🎄