Princess Riley’s arrival!!!!


My due date was 12/28/17, I went on my 39 week check up on 12/20/2017 and was told to head to the hospital at 5:30 the next morning for induction! I cried the entire way to the car because I would finally get to hold my princess! This is my 2nd child and her big brother (5 yo) was just as excited as I was! After arriving to the hospital, my room was not ready so I had to wait until 7 before I could get the show started. WELL somebody didn’t put my order of pitocin in, so now we’re waiting on the pharmacy lol. 8 am, I’m finally hooked up and ready to go. I start feeling mild contractions early on (oh yeah, I was determined to try and go natural this go around). In walks my doctor and he wants to immediately break my water and I was only at 2 cm!!! Thankfully he couldn’t reach my bag to break it. Anyway, I’m dilating slow, about 1 cm every 2 hours! But I’m managing my pain well! I refused to lay in the bed the entire time! I tried every position possible! Finally, 5 pm hit and the contractions are hitting hard! I’ve only dilated to about a 5 and my doctor is pushing for the epidural! And while he’s saying epidural, I was going through the most painful contractions ever so I caved in 😩! I cried the entire wait for the man to give me the epidural because I wanted so badly to experience it as natural as possible. 5:30 and the epidural is in and I’m finally calmed down long enough to fall asleep. Shift change happened at 7 and my new nurse woke me up to check me and all I remember hearing is, WE’RE ABOUT TO HAVE THIS BABY RIGHT NOW! So I’m scared, my mom, boyfriend and bestfriend are in the corner excited and ready and I’m big eyed and nervous lol. 2 pushes later and my babygirl was here at 7:07 pm! Weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and looking just like her brother!