Waiting game - please help!

I need some help and support. 
My husband and I found out on April 21st that we were pregnant. It's my first pregnancy. 
We went in at just under 7 weeks for our first ultrasound and the doctor said we were in the 5 week range but not to worry since I have a 30 day cycle not a 28. 
Yesterday we went in for our follow up appt. While the yolk sack was bigger the dr still couldn't see the baby inside. She informed us that we might have miscarried. 
We have to wait until next Wednesday to go back for another ultrasound and confirmation before they can tell us for sure if it's a miscarriage but I don't think it looks good. 
Did any of you have to wait like this? How do you handle the waiting? How do I realistically handle this without keeping up hope when there doesn't seem to be any?
Also, how long did your dr tell you to wait to TTC after mc? How long did it take for you to get your BFP after?
Please help. I am so devestated. I hadn't told family or friends about the pregnancy but I feel so