Not sure how much more I can take

2017 has been the most difficult and trying year of my life. My husband and I have had the worst bouts of bad luck and I’m really at the end of my rope.

January 2017 my dad suffered a serious stroke and now he is permanently in a long term care rehab facility. He never took care of himself health wise so this outcome was very probable, but it’s still hard.

My brother has serious mental illness (symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar) and is refusing help and is a burden on my poor mom. He is completely unappreciative and mean and won’t accept help. We don’t know what to do anymore.

My husband and I conceived our first baby and then suffered a miscarriage in early Nov (the baby stopped developing around 7w, we found out around 8weeks and then the MC happened around 10w). This was heartbreaking and an emotional rollercoaster.

I love where I work and my team (I work for a well known global company), but I’m in limbo and stressed out because my current position isn’t the right fit for me and now I fear for my job security.

Our yorkie is our baby and entire life. He’s 7 years old and is so amazing and full of energy. The other day I noticed his lymph nodes were very swollen (happened fast), so we got into the vet ASAP (yesterday). They did blood work and took a fine needle Aspiration to send to pathology. They basically told us to expect it to be lymphoma. My husband and I are beside ourselves with more bad news... I can’t handle it anymore. We will find out for sure in a day or two..

Praying 2018 is our year... we are trying so hard to remain hopeful and positive but it’s literally one thing after another. 🙏🏻
