

So my boyfriend and I both live with our parents. So I’m ready to move out but he’s not. I ready to start a family and everything etc.. but I don’t think he’s ready we’ve been together for almost 3 years and now it’s time we grow up and move on. Should I leave him? I’ve been contemplating it for a while now. I’m not sure if he makes me happy anymore or if it’s just my meds?

P.s it’s along story behind him and our relationship so please don’t be quick to judge he lives in a very dangerous neighborhood and I want to take him away from it. But he doesn’t want to leave. A lot goes on. And he comes to my house to get away from the violence but he goes right back and it just scares me to death to have him there. I just want to relocate with him and start a family because I love him but I’m not sure if that’s what he really wants. He says that’s what he wants but he goes right back to it.