My TTC story & tips


I have PCOS and was diagnosed a few years ago. Had abnormal periods for years! I have 2 known cysts on my left ovary. I had bariatric surgery in sept 2016 and lost 60 lbs due to surgery as well as healthy eating and exercising. Hubby and I decided to start TTC in January 2017 I was on the pill for a few months and had light periods due to the pill. End of January beginning February I got off of the pill (finished the pack first) and then continued to eat healthy and moderate exercise and prayed for regularly periods. Low and behold...average 28 days-ish periods! Got my BFP beginning of April and resulted in chemical pregnancy few days later. I was about 6 weeks. Had one period in may after that went on vacation right as my period was ending. Hubby and I went on a couples retreat and had a great time with friends, eating, drinking, and playing games. We even played hide and seek (we rented a huge beach house) I say this to say, I was care free on 4 days of vacation. I had fun, I STOPPED thinking about getting pregnant. I stopped symptom checking and planning every detail. And I stopped BD... instead I decided to make love to my hot sexy husband bc I wanted to. Not because I was ovulating or whatever... I’m pretty sure we conceived the night we came home from vacation. We laughed all the way on the drive home talking about the days we just had. And we’re snuggling and he looked st me like I was the most beautiful person in the world. And we made love the literally lasted like 5 minutes! 😄🤣🤣 I know I didn’t have a long TTC journey as others but I wrote this post to encourage other women to not stress, don’t think so hard, and seriously, enjoy your man. I know this isn’t a scientific method but I do honestly believe that when we try so hard we stress our bodies and we get so tense it stops the egg and sperm from meeting. Lol I know silly. But everything happens for a reason... for me, if I didn’t lose weight I never would have gotten pregnant. Before then I didn’t get a period for even up to a year. I was previously married years ago and tried for about a year and was not overweight then but never got pregnant. I also believe that was bc that marriage wasn’t supposed to last. I also didn’t know I had pcos at that point.. so please ladies don’t stress yourself and be down on yourself. It will happen when you least expect it. Same as falling in love! Enjoy your SO and enjoy love making for the hell of it. Good luck ! 🍀👍🏽

Also I took reproductive vitamins from amazon (gummies) they are basically prenatal vitamins but half the dosage. I took for one month before getting pregnant. I would suggest them c they taste good and we need vitamins anyway! I also really took advantage of self care. I started doing more relaxing things. I was taking time for myself to do what I wanted.. reading, painting my nails, whatever. I would also sit in my card and just practice deep breathing while listening to audio books. It was very relaxing and I think that helped too