40 Weeks today and nothing!

Hello my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">Nurture</a> family. Im a little dissapointed today, so my due date is today 12/29/17. And last night at around 11:30pm I started having this cramps, which turned into a permanet strong period like cramp that would not go away.

It was 5am today and I just couldnt take it. My husband left to work and I went to the labor unit at the hospital with my parents. Baby was perfect on the monitor, I got a urine test done, which came back BAD! it had blood and cristals in it! Oh my!😩

they did a cervical check and guess what! I was 50% effaced but no dilation at all!!!!! so they said the pain had nothing to do with labor, and that it was most likely a kidney stones or could also be a UTI infection. They just started me on antibiotics, and I got discharged at 9:30am

I headed to my regular prenatal appt which was at 10am, they did another urine test, and even i could see how red and horrible it looked. So they sent me over to do some lab work, and a kidney ultrasound right away. They told me that if the results were worsening I was going to have to go back to the hospital and mostlikely get induced today ( I was alittle happy, but so worried something worse was going on.)

After anxiously waiting for the results I got a call this afternoon saying everything is normal. To just finish the antibiotics, keep drinking fluids, and if she doesnt come out this weekend. On my next prenatal next Tuesday 1/3/17 they are going to schedule me for an induction at 41 weeks prob 1/5/17.🤯

Im glad things are okay, but im so so tired, and Im just praying that she comes out this weekend. Waiting a whole other week sounds like forever right now. Im so stressed out! people are driving me crazy asking me about the baby, my parents are more nervous than me, and my husband seems to be in another world. I just need to get this over with! Its been below 10 degrees up here in NH, and its like insane trying to go out for a walk. I just feel like turning my phone off and taking nap that lasts all weekend long. But everyone are a so worried about me that when i dont answer their texts or call they even come to my house! so I have no way to scape. Fantastic!😖so overwhelming.

Im glad my baby is okay, but I hope she can make an effort too for weekend 😌😥 Thank you all!❤️ Happy new year!🥂🍾❄️