Am I really that boring?

We will come to bed, get undressed. (We both sleep naked). Cuddle up watch a bit of tv. I’ll subtly place my hand ‘there’ and eventually start playing, he’ll kiss the top of my head and start stroking my back l. I’ll move my head up and we will start kissing, we’ll turn to face each other, legs entwined hands all over each other’s bodies, half was through kissing his hands will start slowing down until they stop, his kissing will get sloppy and slower, his legs will start twitching and then he’s snoring. Fast asleep. Just like that. There I am excited thinking oh I’ll start something tonight, get him in the mood. Which he seems to be at first then he’s asleep I try to keep giving him a handjob, still asleep. So I stop and turn over left feeling stupid. Like I’m not exciting enough to keep him awake. I get he’s at work all day but I’m up every few hours with a screaming baby to feed I’m exhausted but still willing to stay awake for some us time. Nope he’d rather sleep. I don’t know if I’m being petty but I just feel stupid like I want to have sex with him, I want him to want me but he just doesn’t seem to want to he seems into it when we start but then just falls asleep and doesn’t even realise the next day, doesn’t even remember when I remind him what we was doing. I don’t want to give up trying then to become one of these couples that doesn’t have sex. And I know sex isn’t everything but it’s nice to have that us time and be together like that instead of our time together always revolving around chores and our daughter. I feel like I’m being selfish I know he’s tired but like even one night out the month isn’t too much to ask is it?