To: My love

It breaks my heart not having you in my arms. I can't wait to see those two lines, telling me what I've waited forever for. I can't wait to watch you grow, to teach you how to talk and walk. I can't wait to laugh with you. I can't wait to rock you in my arms, to sing to you. I can't wait to see if you'll have blonde hair like your dad or brown like me. Oh, the immeasurable joy you'll bring us, the love that will overflow from our hearts for you my sweet angel. I promise to be the absolute best mom I can be. I promise to not let a day go by that I don't show you home much I love and cherish you. I can't wait to meet you, to finally get to love you in person. Please come to mommy soon, I can't bare another day without you. I love you more than all the sand in the sea little bee, see you soon.

- Your (someday) mommy 💛