So I’ve posted in a few other groups and the lady’s were plain mean, so I’ve decided to try this one

Shelby • 28✌Married 💍Addyson Izabella 1.29.17 💜Ansleigh Ione 2.17.19💜 Ayebrum Izaac 11.20.20💙

Back story: I had my daughter 11m ago and my husband and I are ttc #2. I have yet to have a pp period from my daughter and I still breastfeed as comfort for her

I tracked OPKs this month and got my first positive on dec 22. That makes me 7dpo today. Well yesterday I started spotting this brown/red/pink mix

It got worse, and little heavier. But not really anything coming out without wiping. I did 1x a small clot but nothing like when I had my first m/c or my “old” normal period, since I have no clue what my new cycle would be like. Well after that clot I thought well maybe I’m just starting my period for the first time... I waited it out and today I thought it was still a decent amount and I was helping move my mom, (I did no heavy lifting, just In case) I placed a tampon, which I know isn’t the best but it’s all I had. I had it in for about 5 hours. When I pulled it out, all the blood was dark brown and it wasn’t not full... and I didn’t replace it as I was done moving.

Fast forward to 3 hrs post removing the tampon and I get this

And I don’t feel wet down there anymore.

Could this be implantation bleeding and it was as little more than just spotting because I haven’t had a period in 20 months?!?

Thanks in advance for any advice or information. (Google is no help)