Can’t contain my excitement! This is how I plan to tell my husband!

Kayla. • Married 👰🏻 🤵🏻Mom of a little girl 👧🏻 & 3 fur babies 🐶 🐶 😺TTC baby # 2 & I’m looking forward to this exciting adventure and everything it entails!

**UPDATE** 1.1.18

As much as I have loved this long Holiday weekend, I am even more excited for tomorrow! The announcement onesie will be delivered and I can FINALLY tell my husband. I’m debating if I should take another pregnancy test tomorrow morning just to make sure everything is still going as planned! This secret is one of the hardest things I have had to do! I’m so thankful for this outlet as I would definitely not been able to keep the secret if I couldn’t have spilled the beans somewhere!

I’m hoping to get some video/pictures of his reaction tomorrow afternoon!

So as you may have seen, I took a PT Wednesday night which presented a vvfl

So I asked you ladies if I was seeing things or if it was truly positive! I still have been a bit hesitant ... it’s still fairly early on in the pregnancy if in fact it was positive... I decided to take another PT that was a different brand and I feel much more confident about it being positive!!

So now it’s a waiting game to tell my husband! I ordered this onsie...

And plan to put the positive PT in the box with it! However I think he is starting to get a little suspicious soo I have to keep changing the conversation before he gets too curious.

And then this is how I plan to tell our immediate family

I have my first doctors appt in beginning of February (they usually wait for 8 ish week mark) this wait will be the longest wait of my life I feel like!