6 hour labor FTM (long)


So Wednesday, 12/27, I went in to get induced at 40wks 3days. I got there at 6:45am and they took me up to my room and got me all hooked up to the monitors. When I got there and they checked me I was at 3cm and about 70% effaced. At 8:30am my midwife came in and broke my water(I didn’t even feel it) and the RN started my pitocin. She had it progressing pretty quick and my contractions quickly went from light period cramps to pretty painful. I asked when I could get my epidural and the RN said she wanted to have my contractions be longer with more space in between them because at the time, they were last about 30 seconds coming in every minute. But they quickly became a minute long and barely 2 minutes apart. I had my husband call and ask if I could get some pain meds thru my IV and she decided to just go ahead and clear me for my epidural. Mind you, it’s only 10:30am and this point and when she checked me I was already progressed to 6cm. So I get the epidural and I am in complete heaven! I had family members rotating in and out to wish me luck and let me know they’d be waiting out in the waiting room. The nurse brought me a popsicle and I took a nap at about 12:30pm. Well about 20 minutes into the nap I woke up with a lot of pressure in my butt. As soon as I woke up and said something to my husband, the nurse walks in asking me how I felt and when I told her about the pressure she decided to check me. Well to her surprise, I WAS AT 9cm and fully effaced. She quickly went and called my midwife to come to the hospital from the dr office. Her words were “you’re labor is not textbook for most first time moms and I am so impressed”. My midwife gets there at about 1:15pm and we begin practice pushes to get the baby to come down some more. Well once she was in position, the real pushes began. The babies head was stuck in my pelvic bone and was starting to get a little stressed so my midwife mentioned possibly having to vacuum assist. I mentioned that I REALLY didn’t want that and about 4 BIG pushes later, she was out! My midwife did have to cut me a little bit but as soon as she did she practically slid out. So from start (8:30 am) to finish (2:18 pm) labor was just about 6 hours long. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience!

Introducing Teagan Marie Bearce. Born 12/27 at 2:18pm weighing 6lbs 12oz. We are over the moon 😍