mittelschmerz? Severe nausea and exhaustion


Hey ladies

Today is cycle day 18. I've been so tired from cycle day 14 until now and have had mild to moderate nausea. On cycle day 14(15 according to my Ovia app), I got severe back and stomach cramps driving to the mall. When I went to the ballroom I was shocked to see that I was spotting pretty heavy when I went to wipe but there was nothing in my underwear and it went away as soon as I got home. The cramping was from sharp to pretty painful and aching that evening. In total it lasted about 3-4 hours. Google told me it was mittelschmerz and it was a sign I ovulated. Both apps told me I should be ovulating on day 17-18 but I also noticed it was exactly half way through my cycle. They are usually 28-29 days other than last month when somehow my cycle was 50 days which had never happened to me. The doctor said it was probably stress since my tests looked normal.

Has this happened to anyone before? I know our last cycle which was our first trying, there was nothing more disappointing getting a BFN and then having to wait pretty much another month til my period starts and we could try again. I'm not sure if I'm overthinking things but it's been a crazy week with symptoms I haven't ever felt. I'm trying not to stress about it but is it possible to ovulate around day 14-15 and have those symptoms ?
