Colds and Crusty Eyes


Runny nose, cough, crusty eye...oh lovely winter!

Ok so I literally feel like I go to the pediatricians office every week or every other week. Thankfully I can, but still! Lol my 10mo son has had a cough and runny nose for a few weeks now and the dr says his ears/nose/throat are all clear. They say that this is normal for a baby in winter who goes to daycare (plus his parents are both teachers) so as long as he’s pooping/peeing/eating/acting fine then he’s ok. Now he has had crusty eyes the past few mornings. Whites of his eyes are clear, not pink or red, and it doesn’t seem to bother him. Dr. Google says it’s over active tear duct and just use boobmilk and a warm wet cloth and it’ll go away.

Is he getting sicker? Should I take him to the drs again? Or is it what Dr. Google says and is his body just still trying to fight off another cold?