Feeling all of kind of emotions!! 😫😩😞

Nancy • I am a mother of a 4 yr old beautiful girl, my second daughter is 10 months old and currently expecting #3 baby 👶

The past few days have been the most hardest days ever in my life. From going into labor, delivering my daughter to having to let her go to the NICU in for preparation to a surgery she needed after birth not been able to hold her as much as I would of love and bond with her was it was hard and still hard. I was discharge two days ago and she had it to stay in the hospital to recover from her surgery. seen her there and many other babies under different circustances broke my heart cant wrap my head around it. Started to pump in hospital without her was so hard, I wasnt getting anything it fustrated me felt as a failer and then yesterday milk started to come in and it made me happy until I started to feel pain and discomfort from having engorment crack nipples soresness fullness that I couldnt get rid off and still feel full I am in pain. dont know what to do anymore its so hard I know it will pass but I felt so alone yesterday at midnight my daughters at asleep husband asleep wasnt able to get help from him it made me feel miserable coulndt stop crying felt fustrated and helpless. Today will be going again to see my daughter t

o see how she is been will talk to one of the lactations to see what can I do toty empty my breast. looking forward fo it and just hoping that all of this will pass on soon. keep her in your prayers ladies!!!

My beautiful Daniela 12/27/2017 12:22am weight 6lbs and 8 oz