Our little heartbreaker 💙💙


My due date was December 24th, of course little man wasn’t feeling it that day or the day after, but we were scheduled for induction the following Thursday the 28th, and told that we may not be leaving with a baby so we might have to go into the next week to get induced again. So hubby and I arrive at the hospital at 6:45 for our 7:30 induction time.

The nurse checks me and says I’m barely even dilated even though my doctor stretched me to 2cm a couple days prior 😡 but a few hours later, after I’m given cytotec vaginally to hopefully start the process, my doctor comes in and tells the nurse I’m posterior so it’s harder to reach my cervix and that I am in fact 2cm (this nurse was a little cranky). So we wait it out to see if we’re going to be staying and having this lil guy. I end up getting to 3cm and doctor breaks my water. After that, intense contracts start and the pain is getting real now 😅 I try to stick it out as long as possible.

2:00 rolls around and I ask for my epidural, then the nurse tells me I’ll get it around 3:00. I get the epidural and life is brand new for me, I can finally feel comfortable! Hours pass, it’s not 8:00 and I’m starting to feel contractions more and the slight urge to push. So we practice pushing for about an hour, which was useless because I couldn’t feel where I was pushing and all I could think about it pushing out a hemorrhoid or a turd 😬

My doctor is getting annoyed with my half-assed pushing, telling me I need to get mad and push harder, blah blah blah. I was trying my best considering I could barely feel down there. My epidural was shut off at the beginning of pushing, so now that we’re 2 hours in and the pain is getting serious my pushing is getting for real! I’m getting very tired and feeling like completely giving up. I scream “can I just get a c-section now!” And everyone in the room yells back “no! You’re so close!” So I know there’s no going back. I finally start pushing out his head and at this point, it just feels like a giant poop coming out, my doctor cuts me to make room for his head, and a few more pushes, baby boy makes his grand entrance, leaving dad, Grammy, and me all in tears of joy and excitement 😍

little Dallas Anthony Irwin born December 28th at 11:45 PM weighing 7lbs 13 oz

The best day of my entire life ❤️❤️❤️